Friday, June 8, 2012

Windows 8

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I’m in a difficult place being both a photographer and a network administrator. Many people in this day and age still swear by using Apple for their photo editing and other artistic work they have. And I can agree with them to a certain degree. Well, I use Windows for my daily rituals. Not because I can’t afford an Apple... Well, I actually can’t afford an Apple at the moment, but that’s a different story, its just that I use the tools I have available and Microsoft is where I am right now.

It’s that time again. Upgrading the operating system time. I remember about two or three years ago when I started using Windows 7 on my desktop. It was fairly different than any other version of windows out to that moment in time. Windows 8 will soon be released to the masses this fall. I am going to attempt to give my take on this beast.

I installed the Release Preview version, which is basically the build right before the actual version that will be for retail with new computers and off the shelves at Tigerdirect or Newegg.

Start Menu -

Probably the most drastic change that has come to Windows since the GUI desktop back in the late 80s and early 90s. there is a basic screen that you can configure with your most used applications or with some premade Microsoft templates, such as Mail, Calendar, Photos, Music, and a few others. You can delete the presets if you chose, which I did, and then add more of the programs that you use everyday. Think of this more as a newer version of the quicklaunch bar.

If you right click on that screen, you can select All Programs, and then you get a list of everything you have on your programs menu, as if you clicked All Programs on the Start menu on Windows XP. This menu is such a change, that I think even casual computer users will have to get aquanted with the new menu, not to mention older people and the technologically helpless.

Desktop -

This option will only be available on desktops and laptops, but not on tablet devices using the OS. It just looks like the old windows 7 desktop, obviously minus the start menu. All of my widgets showed up when I upgraded. Even the taskbar hasn’t changed much.

Programs -

All of my programs that were installed on windows 7 have been ported over here with very little to worry about. There will be problems with some programs so be ready and expect issues with some of your more useful applications.I was using Macdrive so I could have a Mac formatted hard drive on my PC. That one no longer works, as far as I can tell. But all the good ones like Photoshop, Illustrator, and Lightroom all work just handy dandy.

Here are a couple screens I pulled off my laptop.

New Settings screen

Toolbar, hit the little gear at the bottom to get to the settings screen and the power controls.

New Start Menu. Kinda flashy but hard to get used to. Can be accessed with the Windows button or buy hovering mouse in lower left corner.

My desktop. It looks the same as windows 7 minus the start button.

I don't really want to get too much more technical, but Windows 8 has some other new optimizations, such as support for USB 3, a stronger support for multiple monitors, and its support for new types of tablet devices.

For me, i don't really see too much of a change, because I’ve always had an easy time switching to newer technologies. But there will be a learning curve for some less computer inclined, so watch out for that.

I barely scratched the surface, but If you want to read more on what is new to Windows 8 Click Here, and you can download the Release Preview here.

What are your thoughts, positive or negative. Have you tried it out yet or do you think you will upgrade when it comes out?

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Oh that big blocky start menu will take some getting used to... not even the functionality but it's godawful looking!
Soon as we get it I am going to throw it up on a virtual machine. I am lagging because of where I work. I am currently running Vista on my work horse because most the district was in limbo between XP Vista and 7. A rebuild mid school year for me is out of the question, so now that summer has let out I can rebuild my machine with 7. Since it will be what most of my users will be on come next school year.
But I do intend on playing with 8 as soon as we get a volume license for it here, which should be pretty quick. Thanks for the review and pics.
3 replies · active 663 weeks ago
oh you school peoples are soooo lucky. I heard the start menu is supposed to resemble freeway signs. I have no clue why they chose those to model.

I wish I had a volume license of anything. the company I work for can barely get legit copies.
I am one of the ones that thinks windows is merging tablet/ipad type friendly interfaces with a desktop for THEIR own convenience. I hate the blocky front page and it looks like a Rainmeter app looks just like one from 2 years ago...fonts and all.

Thanks for the review :)
Microsoft has pretty much been saying that without directly saying that, if you know what I mean. They never did a good job at developing a decent/usable mobile operating system so they are, once again, trying to take catch up with Apple by doing their best to imitate without it being an outright copy.

Thanks for the comment Chris :-)
Not liking that start screen! Hopefully, with Windows 8, I can use pretty much anything I currently have with Windows 7. I still use a lot of programs that were developed when Windows XP was out, and the compatibility mode is required for some of them under Windows 7. Hopefully no problem with Windows 8.
3 replies · active 663 weeks ago
I've been able to use almost all my programs from windows 7. The only one so far was a program that was made for windows XP. I read that there will still be an XP Mode in windows 8, but you will have to upgrade to the Ultimate version in order to use it.
Oh, how wonderful. Just another way for Microsoft to get more money. Compatibility modes should be standard for all versions. Vista had no compatibility mode, so my sister uninstalled and went back to XP. None of her hardware worked and many programs didn't work, either.
Yeah, Seriously. I wish they learned more from Apple then just how to make a user interface. Apple only charges like $30 for their OS upgrades, and they do just as many upgrades to the different features as microsoft does. If only they didn't have such a tight grasp on the marketplace then they would learn how to price their software appropriately.
I'm usually quick to adapt to changes, so probably will be glad to upgrade...
1 reply · active 663 weeks ago
Me too, I'm pretty much up to speed. I didn't really get to know all the little tiny shortcuts in XP or 7. If you count knowing those, then I have a long way to go.
I am whatever the opposite of an early adopter is. A late adopter, I guess.

My last pc conked out pretty much exactly three years ago, so I couldn't wait for 7 to get a new machine. The one I did get had some kind of upgrade offer, but the forms needed so many details, up to and including a retina scan, I think.

So yeah, I'm still running Vista. I should probably be forced to ring a bell when I walk anywhere so people know I'm coming and can avoid me, but I'm still running Vista. Still, this pc is starting to show it's age a bit. Reckon I can eke it out until the 8 optimised set-ups hit the market.
1 reply · active 663 weeks ago
That's pretty funny. I'm kind of the same way. I was using my XP laptop up to this last February and I could barely get chrome to work. I'm kind of against using new gizmos when they come out.

I think for me, I just do my research for such a long time that the next model comes out, and I'm really frugal. I got the most inexpensive dell I could find.

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